Today we have so many fashion choices. Shopping fast fashion stores like Zara and H&M gives us the latest trend in clothing at reasonable prices. Great, right? Not really.

These companies are helping to pollute the planet and encourage the need for us to fulfill our shopping addictions. Each fashion season, instead of recycling to retail discount stores like Marshell’s or Ross, or third world countries in need, they destroy the clothing at the end of the season and send it to dumps.

What can we do about it? Well, the obvious answer is to not support these fast fashion stores and shop ethical retailers during their store wide sales. We can save money and know we are not supporting the fast fashion industry. But there is another way we can shop ethically and get great bargains. Thrifting.

I am a longtime fan of supporting thrift shops. Not only is thrifting fun where you can find great bargains, but you are helping those in need while also helping the planet.

Come along with me as I talk about ethical shopping in an upscale resale boutique in LaGrange, Illinois. The Hope Chest.

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